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Subscribe to The Week Junior

Subscribe to The Week Junior, the multi-award-winning magazine that inspires a love of reading and learning and encourages kids to think for themselves. Our expert editorial team packs every issue with thought-provoking news, fascinating facts and eye-catching images from around the world. The bright and accessible pages inspire children to play a positive part in our planet’s future, to succeed in their futures, and to lead happy, fulfilling lives.

For a limited time only, we’re offering new subscribers a trial, plus a complimentary video guide for parents: ‘Raising Informed and Empowered Kids: How to help your kids make sense of the news.’ by Jodie Jackson at The News Literacy Lab.

An annual subscription comprises of 52 issues.

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Access the latest issue and past issues on iOS and Android devices via the app. 

The Week Junior publishes one double issue which counts as two of the 52 issues in an annual subscription.

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  • The introductory trial offer is limited to one per household per 12 months.
  • We reserve the right to cancel an order if the trial offer is misused.
  • Alternative gift may be supplied.

Tick to confirm you understand:
  • The introductory trial offer is limited to one per household per 12 months.
  • We reserve the right to cancel an order if the trial offer is misused.
  • Alternative gift may be supplied.

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